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General conditions of warranty and return

Extrema’s warranty is valid for defects that occur within two years from the installation and start-up of the plant. All the consumable parts (for ex. brushes, ball bearings, sliding rollers, sliding contacts, oil, batteries) are excluded from the warranty. Warranty will not be recognized in case of: tampering, partial or total non-payment of the plant; exhausted batteries, inefficient fuses, oxidized or loosened clamps, switches in wrong position; malfunctioning caused by weather conditions, fire, transportation damage, consumable parts that for their nature or destination are subject to normal deterioration (any exception shall be supported by a written report documenting that the cause is the original defect and not the wear); non-compliant use, inexperience, negligence, interventions or modifications by personnel not authorized by Extrema; lack of maintenance, mechanical or electric overloading; installations with removed or altered labels, marks or logos, any other reason not attributable to Extrema.

Unless otherwise specified by Extrema, spare parts shall be shipped back to Extrema within 60 (sixty) days. Spare parts shipped without receiving the return within the a.m. period or not accompanied by the specific module fully filled out in every mandatory part, will be charged to the applicant. Extrema reserves the right to charge the transport and control costs and the spare parts themselves in case they are not proved to be defective. Shipping costs for goods not requested back will be charged to the customer.